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Monday 31 January 2011


Photographed some great cars over the weekend, from 1902 racers to modern day marvels.
Here is a Nissan Skyline GTR under quite a cool break in the cloud. Pretty lucky with that but if you wait sometimes even only minutes things can change quite dramatically. Same applies to any landscape or image outside, patience is key.
This photograph is not straight out of the camera, some post processing was applied to emphasise the mood.
D700 50mm F1.4

Friday 28 January 2011

Dusting off that camera

I know a lot of people who have nice Digital SLR's and a great eye for a shot. I see them using these cameras in auto mode and there's so much more, and its not hard to do. In fact you don't even need an SLR, you can make many changes to a compact. In the coming weeks i'll go through all these setting. In the mean time get that camera out and start playing

If you love your photography and/or want to know more, experiment. Try new settings or techniques, not all will work but you may find something interesting or different. Try a portrait from high up looking down, or take a pet shot from laying on the floor looking up. Not all pictures have to be taken at 5'10 and if you look closely many aren't.

I'm going to go through certain settings and what things mean, all in bite size portions.

Photography is all about inspiration, idea's, experimenting and having fun. I use for my inspiration. If your stuck for idea's follow the link and browse, you'll spend a long time on there.

It's also not about competing. I see lots of images that never get to see the outside world because the photographer things they aren't good enough. Be proud of your work, show people, ask for critique and feedback. You don't have to listen to it after all

It’s not important to capture something interesting, it’s important to do it in an interesting way, rules are just guide lines.

Thursday 27 January 2011

Little Boots

First image to go onto the blog. Just sitting looking at the little shoes on the floor, nice light and the camera to hand. No setup of lights just the natural light coming in. As always it was on my D700, the 50mm F1.4 and this was @F3.5 1/50sec 320 ISO

I tried a few shots at different angles and like this one best. Took it into Lightroom and took some colour away, added a bit more stronger contrast and a little vignetting. Few other bit on level but that boring.

Main thing for me is how a simple item can be made to look different and quite cool. Definitely worth trying this yourself if you haven't already.

Monday 17 January 2011

Welcome - Post 1

Well this is my new blogspot, welcome.

I will be regulary posting images here, along with the details, locations and experiences while taking it/them

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